Wednesday, April 30, 2008

sorry no pictures today

I took the camera to swimming today but failed to get a picture of
Abby and Kael. I think that Kael might be moving up to a more
advanced class. The romance might be ending soon! Today was life
jacket day at swimming. Abby thought it was fun that she could get
in the pool by herself when she was wearing a life jacket but hated
that it forced her to float on her back. She kept trying to roll
over. She never made it! Eventually she got really mad and we had
to take it off.

Lila and Ella both turned ONE over the weekend! Happy birthday swim

We ordered the soil for our raised bed today. It should come next
week when my mom is here. Get ready to do some planting grandma!
(Or maybe you can do some baby sitting while I do the planting!)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tiny Bubbles

Monday, April 28, 2008

Daddy's home and he's tired!

Hal come home from work today and fell asleep. Abby was trying to
wake him up. She says, "shhhhh" when he is sleeping. Then she hit
him in the head with a book. She doesn't quite understand that he is
jetlagged when he gets home. She's laughing, not crying, in the

Holy vocabulary Batman!

Abby woke up this morning saying "hot" and "help". When we went
downstairs she started playing with a slinky and kept saying "cool."
She is jibber jabbering up a storm!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

under the table


I am testing how blogger loads video. Enjoy!

Still sleeping?

Wow! Abby has been napping for almost 2 hours. This is a record! I
wonder if she will wake up 2 inches taller than she was when she fell

Little Red Riding Hood

Abby got a new book today. It is Little Red Riding Hood with finger
puppets. In the story that I remember, the big bad wolf ate grandma
and the woodsman had to cut her out of his belly. In Abby's book the
big bad wolf tries to eat a cake but the woodsman stops him. Fairy
tales are getting much more tame! She likes it anyway.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Building the garden

Abby is checking out the raised beds we made. I hope she approves!

You should see the other guy!

Our neighbors gave us a little lawn chair for Abby to sit in. She
was wiggling around in it and fell face first into the driveway. She
has a FAT LIP and a scraped face. It didn't slow her down for long.


Yesterday we went to the zoo. Abby wore her overalls. Here she is
with Simone (one of the triplets) climbing the jungle gym.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We went swimming today.

Abby had swimming today. Abby got in the pool early so Kael's mom said when they got to the locker room he asked, "Where's Abby?" Kael is ABby's 2 and a half year old boyfriend. Should I let her date someone twice her age? At the end of the lesson Abby didn't want to take Dolphin Dough from Miss Penny but Kael asked for "one for Abby please" and then he gave his extra one to Abby. It is pretty cute.

Today was rolling over day at swimming which is Abby's least favorite day because it means she has to spend a lot of time on her back and she doesn't like that.

I am not sick anymore! But I am sick to my stomach over how many people voted for Hillary yesterday. :(

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Park

Today we went to the park with the girls from swimming. They were
afraid to climb as high as Abby on the jungle gym. She is a little
dare devil!

I want my baby back, baby back, baby back

RIBS! Yum!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Busy Day!

We were busy today. Abby has started to show an interest in "coloring". Does she look well rested? Last night was the first night that she didn't cry for an hour at 3am. Hal and I felt MUCH better this morning. I think stuffing her with oatmeal before bed did the trick!

I turned in a bunch of teaching applications today. When I got home Hal and Abby both took a nap! What do they do while I am gone?

We had ribs for dinner. Abby loved them!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


POW! Kicked ya!


Abby has a boyfriend. His name is Kael. He is in her swim class. Kael gives Abby his coupon for a treat and she laughs and smiles at him and says "hiiiii-yeee." They are very cute together.

Today we finally got her to roll around in the grass. She hasn't liked to put her fingers or toes in it until today. She likes the daffodils and likes to point to them and say, "fowah" (that's baby for flower.)

Tonight I stuffed her full of oatmeal before bed. I am thinking that if she is really full she will be less likely to wake up looking for milk. I hope it works. She hasn't had milk at night for 7 nights and every night she was fussed for about an hour at 3am. This is supposed to help me get MORE sleep?

The weather is really nice! I think we are going to meet the swim girls Friday. We have a playdate tomorrow with the triplets and some other friends.

I love this tile!

Where did I get this goofy girl? On Monday she wanted her face flat on the floor all day. She thought it was hilarious. I have to admit, it is pretty funny.