Friday, January 30, 2009

Monkey on my back

I got Abby this monkey backpack/harness for walking through the
airports when we go to see grandma. I can hold the tail so she
doesn't get away. I hope it works! She seems to like it.

Blueberry pancake maker

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thanks Aunt Becca!

Aunt Becca sent Abby a Valentines package! Now she is a sweetheart
baker. The sticker valentines card was a big hit too.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Don't worry, Violet!

Abby sitting with Violet and her Elmo blanket, safe on the sofa while
I was vacuuming.

The house was so quiet when I got home from school!

Because Abby fell asleep with Hal!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pretending to be at the beach!

I'm sick!

Rock-a-bye with daddy

Sorry, we're sick

I know it has been while since I have posted new pictures but Abby
and I are both sick. She would look miserable in the pictures! I am
hoping she is over this TOMORROW! She is sooooooo crabby!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Painted nails!

We had a rough night. Abby had a high fever and was throwing up. I
got no sleep and stayed home today. We painted our nails. Abby is
feeling much better!

Identity Crisis

Hal's hat and my glasses. Cute look Abby!

Daddy's home, just for a few hours!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Warming up

After an hour outside, Abby came in for some peppermint tea.

It snowed!

It snowed a few inches over night so Abby and I went out to shovel
the driveway.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pouring water gone wrong

Abby really likes to pour water from one container to another. I
thought the pan was a great way to keep the floor dry. Abby thought
the pan was a great place to go swimming! She says, "like da beach!"

panties and a harmonica

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Talk about a Steeler...

Hal was sitting in this chair watching football today. When he got
up, Abby ran to it and said, "My chair. Mine. I'm sleeping" That
was hilarious because she didn't take a nap today. Instead she
pretended to close her eyes for an hour and then said, "I waked up!"
In these pictures she is insisting that it is her chair and saying,

Good morning

Saturday, January 10, 2009

French Toast

Daddy's home!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The best from Grandma's camera