Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy 2nd birthday Lila!

Happy birthday Lila! It was Lila's party today. Abby and Lila have
been in swim classes together since they were about 6 mos. old. It
was almost 90° today! Abby tried to blow up her balloon by herself.
(Mom the turtle shirt was another $2 deal from that sale!) Abby
really liked the party!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Favorite Pet

Abby and her favorite pet, Oslo... trying to escape her affection.

Kids Clothesline sale

One of the outfits I got at the Kids Clothesline sale for $2! And
Abby's new favorite hat, our old camping coffee maker.


Delaware Water Gap. Abby eating her lunch, picnic style and playing
with a leaf.

Testing out the hammocks

Much to my annoyance, Abby did not take a nap in the hammock but she
liked paying in it! We went on a long hike today.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Kitty video

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm a kitty too!

Abby trying to squeeze herself into the cat carrier and sleeping on
the kitchen floor like the cats do.

Everybody's sleepin'

The cats are getting cozy! My allergies are not killing me yet.
Abby loves them. They are very friendly and like to be petted.


Abby found her Halloween costume today. Luckily for me, it was warm
enough that she asked to take it off before we ran our errands!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

New family members

Hal and Abby saw these 2 kittens at the FURR rescue the other day.
We just couldn't get them out of our heads so we went back and
adopted them this morning. They are 7 mos old, so they are pretty
big for kittens. They are already acting like they have lived here
forever. They are really good with Abby. They let her pet them and
purrr for her. What an exciting day! They were named Leo (black)
and Toby (grey). We aren't sure what we are going to call them just

Monday, April 13, 2009

All my friends

Today Abby told me, "it is sad. All my friends go to the airport.
Granny, Papa, and Daddy go to the airport. They fly away."

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Egg Hunt Video 2

Egg Hunt Video 1

Goin' on an egg hunt!

Hal had to leave for work today so we hunted our eggs a little early.

Painting Easter Eggs

Family hike at Bushkill Falls

Vegan Treats!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My cuddly stinker!

At the park

Rock stars throw tantrums

Rock star concert

Luxurious imported English bubble bath, thanks Daddy!

Miss Abby?  Get your fix.