Last night Grandma watched Abby while Hal and I went oQUT TO Q1 1Q q
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Oh! Thanks for "helping" my type this post Abby. As I was saying, we went out to dinner last night. It was great but our service was really slow. We didn't mind much because we have only been out to dinner 4 times since Abby has been born (without her) and one of those times was Burger King yesterday. We had 7:30pm reservations and didn't get our main course until 9:15pm!!! Anyone watch Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares? Our food was fabulous and we had a great night out but Abby did not want to go to bed for Grandma. Mom had her almost asleep and she was whining a bit. Grandma asked, "Can I get you something Abby?" Meaning, water, a pacifier, a blanket.... Abby said, "Get Mama." AWWWW!! That's SO CUTE!
So my mom called me and we were home about 20 minutes later. Abby was asleep about 22 minutes later. I talked to her on the phone while we were driving home. She's my sweet little girl.